Mais uma vez o NPC Jean Pierre chega ao Tibia

Faça maravilhosos pratos na Hot Cuisine Quest
Durante todo o mês de agosto, o famoso chef Jean Pierre estará nas terras tibianas ensinando receitas deliciosas e com incríveis efeitos.
Se você aprecia bons pratos, visite o djinn Jean Pierre em Ashta’daramai (oeste do Blue Djinn Fortress). Além de cozinhar, ele adora compartilhar seu conhecimento e poderá lhe ensinar receitas, cada uma com um gostinho especial e um efeito diferente. Para começar, você deve tornar-se seu aprendiz.

Depois, basta consultar o menu e começar a cozinhar! São 10 pratos iniciais, sendo que alguns deles requerem ingredientes bizarros, mas ele promete que vale a pena.
Se você já participou no ano passado ou é a sua primeira vez, após fazer as 10 primeiras receitas, poderá partir para as quatro novas adicionadas esse ano, que foram enviadas pela comunidade.
Após concluir seu “curso” de gourmet, você ganhará livros com todas as receitas que você fez.
Infelizmente o level requerido é 35. Para participar, basta falar com o NPC e entregar a lista de ingredientes que ele pedir.


Também conhecida como: Cooking Event
Recompensa: Deliciosos pratos.
Localização: Oeste do Blue Djinn Fortress.
Level requerido: 35
Premium requerida: sim
Esteja preparado para enfrentar: Hyaenas, Larvas e 1 Stone Golem no caminho.
Legenda: Jean Pierre precisa de ajuda na sua cozinha...



Você deve preparar 10 pratos para o NPC Jean Pierre. Para cada um, você deve entregar uma lista de ingredientes e Jean Pierre irá prepará-los. Após completar tudo, você irá ganhar um Cookbook. Então você poderá fazer os pratos novamente, uma vez por ano, mas terá que entregar os ingredientes novamente.
Obs.: Tanto o Cookbook, quanto o Jean Pierre's Cookbook II, não são entregues pelo npc no final na quest. Você deve subir as escadas e pegar nas portas seladas, no mesmo andar onde fica Jean Pierre.

Todos os ingredientes

Primeira Parte

  • 2 Meats
  • 20 Potatoes
  • 3 Onions
  • 2 Bulb of Garlics
  • 15 Flours
  • 2 Hydra Tongues
  • 4 Tomatoes
  • 3 Cucumbers
  • 8 Eggs
  • 2 Troll Greens
  • 1 Vial of Wine
  • 1 Bat recentemente morto
  • 15 Jalapeño Peppers
  • 5 Brown Breads
  • 1 Powder Herb
  • 5 Red Mushrooms
  • 1 Chicken recentemente morta
  • 3 Lemons
  • 2 Oranges
  • 2 Mangoes
  • 2 Vials of Coconut Milk
  • 1 Stone Herb
  • 1 Bar of Chocolate
  • 2 Bananas
  • 1 Cream Cake
  • 3 Vials of Milk
  • 1 Sling Herb
  • 1 Star Herb
  • 7 Carrots
  • 2 Corncobs
  • 3 Cheeses
  • 20 White Mushrooms
  • 5 Brown Mushrooms
  • 1 Shadow Herb
  • 1 Vial of Mead
  • 1 Ham
  • 5 Plums
  • 2 Beetroots
  • 1 Pumpkin
  • 1 Northern Pike
  • 1 Rainbow Trout
  • 1 Green Perch
  • 5 Shrimps
  • 2 Rolls
  • 1 Fern
  • 10 Cookies
  • 2 Peanut

Segunda Parte

  • 5 Vials of coconut milk
  • 5 Brown Mushrooms
  • 5 Red Mushrooms
  • 10 Rice Balls
  • 10 Shrimps
  • 5 Sandcrawler Shells
  • 2 Vials of water
  • 20 Carrots
  • 10 Potatoes
  • 3 Jalapeño Peppers
  • 3 Candies
  • 3 Candy Canes
  • 2 Bar of Chocolate
  • 15 Gingerbreadmens
  • 1 Concentrated Demonic Blood
  • 40 Eggs
  • 20 Mangoes
  • 10 Honeycombs
  • 1 Bottle of Bug Milk
  • 1 Blessed Wooden Stake
A seguir, estão os ingredientes de cada um dos 14 pratos:

Prato 1: Rotworm Stew

Você deve entregar:

  • 2 meat
  • 20 potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 Bulb of Garlic
  • 5 flours
  • 2 vials de beer

Prato 2: Hydra Tongue Salad

  • 2 Hydra Tongues (pode-se comprar em Venore)
  • 2 Tomatoes (pode-se comprar em Darashia)
  • 1 Cucumber (pode-se comprar em Thais)
  • 2 Eggs (pode-se comprar em Venore)
  • 1 Troll Green 
  • 1 Vial de wine (pode-se comprar em Ankrahmun)

Prato 3: Roasted Dragon Wings

  • 1 bat recentemente morto (pode-se sumonar)
  • 3 Jalapeño Peppers (pode-se comprar em Ankrahmun)
  • 5 Brown Breads (pode-se comprar em Carlin)
  • 2 Eggs (pode-se comprar em Venore)
  • 1 Powder Herb (dá respawn perto da bruxa Wyda)
  • 5 Red Mushrooms (pode-se comprar em Edron)

Prato 4: Tropical Fried Terrorbird

  • 1 chicken recentemente morta (pode ser summonada)
  • 2 Lemons (pode-se comprar em Venore)
  • 2 Oranges (pode-se comprar em Venore)
  • 2 Mangos (pode-se comprar em Venore)
  • 2 Vials de Coconut Milk (use um Juice Squeezer em um Coconuts dropado por Apes)
  • 1 Stone Herb (dá respawn perto da bruxa Wyda, e pode-se comprar em Edron)

Prato 5: Banana Chocolate Shake

  • 1 Bar of Chocolate (pode-se pega na Arena)
  • 1 Cream Cake (loot de Mad Scientists)
  • 2 Bananas (pode-se comprar em Edron)
  • 2 Vials de milk (pode-se comprar em Darashia)
  • 1 Sling Herb (dá respawn perto da bruxa Wyda e perto de Greenshore)
  • 1 Star Herb (dá respawn perto da bruxa Wyda)

Prato 6: Veggie Casserole

  • 2 Carrots (pode-se comprar em Thais)
  • 2 Tomatoes (pode-se comprar em Darashia)
  • 2 Corncobs (pode-se comprar em Thais)
  • 2 Cucumbers (pode-se comprar em Thais)
  • 1 Onion (pode-se comprar em Ankrahmun)
  • 1 Garlic (pode-se comprar em Ankrahmun)
  • 1 Cheese (pode-se comprar em Edron)
  • 20 White Mushrooms (pode-se comprar em Edron)
  • 5 Brown Mushrooms (pode-se comprar em Edron)

Prato 7: Filled Jalapeño Peppers

  • 10 Jalapeño Peppers (pode-se comprar em Ankrahmun)
  • 2 Cheese (pode-se comprar em Edron)
  • 1 Troll Green 
  • 1 Shadow Herb (dá respawn perto da bruxa Wyda)
  • 1 Vial de Mead (pode-se comprar em Svargrond)
  • 2 Eggs (pode-se comprar em Venore)

Prato 8: Blessed Steak

  • 1 Piece of Ham (pode-se comprar em Yalahar)
  • 5 Plums (pode-se comprar em Venore)
  • 1 Onions (pode-se comprar em Ankrahmun)
  • 2 Beetroot (pode-se comprar em Thais)
  • 1 Pumpkin (pode-se comprar em Ankrahmun)
  • 2 Jalapeño Peppers (pode-se comprar em Ankrahmun)

Prato 9: Northern Fishburger

  • 1 Northern Pike (Ice Fishing ou Chakoyas)
  • 1 Rainbow Trout (Ice Fishing ou Chakoyas)
  • 1 Green Perch (Ice Fishing ou Chakoyas)
  • 5 Shrimps (loot de Quaras)
  • 2 Rolls (pode-se comprar em Edron)
  • 1 Fern (pode-se comprar em Edron)

Prato 10: Carrot Cake

  • 5 Carrots (pode-se comprar em Thais)
  • 1 Vial de Milk (pode-se comprar em Darashia)
  • 1 Lemon (pode-se comprar em Venore)
  • 10 Flours (Thais)
  • 2 Eggs (pode-se comprar em Venore)
  • 10 Cookies (pode-se comprar em Edron)
  • 2 Peanuts (loot de Mutated Humans ou Squirrels)


Nome Atributos
Rotworm Stew.gif Rotworm Stew Cura sua vida completamente.
Hydra Tongue Salad.gif Hydra Tongue Salad Irá curar todas as condições negativas.
Roasted Dragon Wings.gif Roasted Dragon Wings Aumenta seu shielding em 10 por uma hora.
Tropical Fried Terrorbird.gif Tropical Fried Terrorbird Aumenta seu magic level em 5 por uma hora.
Banana Chocolate Shake.gif Banana Chocolate Shake Deixa você feliz.
Veggie Casserole.gif Veggie Casserole Aumenta seu melee skills por 1 hora.
Filled Jalapeño Peppers.gif Filled Jalapeño Peppers Deixa você muito rápido por 1 hora.
Blessed Steak.gif Blessed Steak Completa sua mana.
Northern Fishburger.gif Northern Fishburger Aumenta seu fishing skill em 50 por 1 hora.
Carrot Cake.gif Carrot Cake Aumenta seu skill de distância em 10 por 1 hora.
Cookbook.gif Cookbook É dado pelo Jean Pierre e contém uma coleção de todas as receitas que você fez.

Hot Cuisine Quest Reward.png

Prato 11: Coconut Shrimp Bake

  • 5 vials de coconut milk (pode ser comprado em Venore)
  • 5 brown mushrooms (pode ser comprado em Edron)
  • 5 red mushrooms (pode ser comprado em Edron)
  • 10 rice balls (pode ser feito com o NPC Swolt em Farmine)
  • 10 shrimps (dropa de quaras)

Prato 12: Pot of Blackjack

  • 5 sandcrawler shells (dropa de Sandcrawler)
  • 2 vials de water (pode-se comprar em Edron)
  • 20 carrots (pode ser comprado em NPCs)
  • 10 potatoes (pode ser comprado em NPCs)
  • 3 jalapeño peppers (pode ser comprado em NPCs)

Prato 13: Demonic Candy Balls

  • 3 candies
  • 3 candy canes
  • 2 bar of chocolate
  • 15 gingerbreadmen
  • 1 concentrated demonic blood

Prato 14: Sweet Mangonaise Elixir

  • 40 eggs (pode ser comprado em NPCs)
  • 20 mangoes (pode ser comprado em NPCs)
  • 10 honeycombs (pode ser de jogadores ou dropado de Wasps ou Bears)
  • 1 bottle of bug milk (pode ser comprado em NPC)
  • 1 blessed wooden stake

Recompensa 2010

Nome Atributos
Coconut Shrimp Bake.gif Coconut Shrimp Bake Velocidade normal embaixo d'água.
Pot of Blackjack.gif Pot of Blackjack Grande tempo de regeneração de vida/mana.
Demonic Candy Ball.gif Demonic Candy Ball Aumento de skills e outros.
Sweet Mangonaise Elixir.gif Sweet Mangonaise Elixir Fornece mais tempo de duração a anéis.
Jean Pierre's Cookbook II.gif Jean Pierre's Cookbook II Segundo livro de receitas, que é obtido completando as 4 novas receitas acima.


Tornando-se aprendiz

Jean Pierre: Greetings, player. What are you doing out here?
Jogador: Are you a cook?
Jean Pierre: Well, I'm not a simple cook. I travel the whole Tibian continent for the most artfully seasoned recipes and constantly develop new ones.
Jogador: You gather recipes?
Jean Pierre: You're interested in my recipes? Well. They are not for sale, but if you want to become my apprentice, I'll share my knowledge with you.
Jogador: I want to be your apprentice.
Jean Pierre: Hmm. You look quite promising. Can't hurt to give it a try, I guess. Would you like to become my apprentice, player?
Jogador: yes, that's what I just asked.
Jean Pierre: Fine, young human. Ask me for a recipe anytime and I'll teach you what I know.

Prato 1: Rotworm Stew

Jogador: Hello
Jean Pierre: Hello there again, player! I guess you're back for some cooking - let's get going then!
Jogador: Teach me a recipe, please.
Jean Pierre: The first dish we are going to prepare together is called 'Rotworm Stew'. Now, don't be scared off. Of course we won't eat those nasty and dirty earth-crawlers! ...
Jean Pierre: The name is just for the effect it has on people. Bring me the following ingredients and I'll show you how it's done. ...
Jean Pierre: Two pieces of meat, two vials of beer, twenty potatoes, one onion, one bulb of garlic and five ounces of flour. Make sure that the ingredients are fresh and smell good.

Jogador: I have all ingredients for the rotworm stew.
Jean Pierre: Did you gather all necessary ingredients to cook Rotworm Stew with me?
Jogador: yes
Jean Pierre: Aah, so let's see! We cook the meat in a large pot together with the chopped onion until it's separated from the bones. Now we also have a fine meat broth! ...
Jean Pierre: Cut the potatoes into small pieces and add them to the pot. Add some flour to thicken the stew. Finally, spice it up with some garlic and add beer for the typical dwarvish taste! ...
Jean Pierre: And voilà, we're done. I developed this recipe while talking to Maryza in the Jolly Axeman. She said to eat it when one's health is low. Enjoy!

Prato 2: Hydra Tongue Salad

Jogador: Hello
Jean Pierre: Hello there again, player! I guess you're back for some cooking - let's get going then!
Jogador: Please teach me another recipe.
Jean Pierre: The next dish we are going to prepare together is called 'Hydra Tongue Salad'. The common hydra tongue is a pest plant with an surprisingly aromatic taste. ...
Jean Pierre: We'll add some other vegetables and spices for the delicate and distinctive taste. Bring me the following ingredients and I'll show you how it's done. ...
Jean Pierre: Two hydra tongue plants, two tomatoes, one cucumber, two eggs, one troll green and one vial of wine.

Jogador: I have all for a hydra tongue salad.
Jean Pierre: Did you gather all necessary ingredients to prepare a Hydra Tongue Salad with me?
Jogador: yes
Jean Pierre: Okay, here we go! This one is easy, just chop the hydra tongues, tomatoes and cucumber into tiny pieces. ...
Jean Pierre: Now for the sauce - our base is wine, in which we mix the raw eggs until it got a nice smooth consistency. Add grinded troll green, whose flavour is quite similar to basil and shake the sauce in a mug. ...
Jean Pierre: Pour it over the salad, and voilà, we're done! This is a Venorean recipe and very tasty. I recommend eating it when you're suffering from some kind of dangerous condition. Enjoy!

Prato 3: Roasted Dragon Wings

Jogador: Hello
Jean Pierre: Hello there again, player! I guess you're back for some cooking - let's get going then!
Jogador: Teach me another recipe.
Jean Pierre: The next dish we are going to prepare together is called 'Roasted Dragon Wings'. Oh, don't give me that look! Of course you don't have to bring a whole dragon up here. ...
Jean Pierre: The 'dragon' part derives from the fiery afterburn of this meal, but the wings we use are much smaller, though similar in shape. Bring me the following ingredients and I'll show you how it's done. ...
Jean Pierre: One fresh dead bat, three jalapeño peppers, five brown breads, two eggs, one powder herb and five red mushrooms.

Jogador: I got the stuff for roasted dragon wings.
Jean Pierre: Did you gather all necessary ingredients to prepare Roasted Dragon Wings with me?
Jogador: yes
Jean Pierre: Let's get started! The trick with this one is the crunchy crust around the wings. ...
Jean Pierre: First, we grate the dry brown bread into very small crumbs and mix that with the two eggs. Add grinded peppers for the spicy taste and the powder herb for a hint of curry flavour. ...
Jean Pierre: Carefully separate the bat wings, clean them of any possible hairs and coat them in our mixture. Roast them in a pan together with sliced mushrooms and serve. ...
Jean Pierre: Voilà, we're done! This recipe is from the area around Thais and should help you protect yourself in your battles. Enjoy!

Prato 4: Tropical Fried Terrorbird

Jogador: Hello
Jean Pierre: Hello there again, player! I guess you're back for some cooking - let's get going then!
Jogador: Please teach me another recipe.
Jean Pierre: The next dish we are going to prepare together is called 'Tropical Fried Terrorbird'. You might have guessed it, we're not going to use a terrorbird. But! ...
Jean Pierre: The dish is quite fried and tropical. Bring me the following ingredients and we're going to prepare it: One fresh dead chicken, two lemons, two oranges, two mangos, one stone herb and two vials of coconut milk.

Jogador: I got the stuff for tropical fried terrorbird.
Jean Pierre: Did you gather all necessary ingredients to prepare a Tropical Fried Terrorbird with me?
Jogador: yes
Jean Pierre: This is a recipe right from the jungles of Tiquanda! Grind the stone herb and mix it with the coconut milk, then bathe the chicken in it for a while. ...
Jean Pierre: In the meantime, peel the oranges and mangos, chop them into pieces and add them to the mix. Take the chicken out of its bath and fry it, preferably over open fire. ...
Jean Pierre: Take the fruits out of the spicy coconut milk and heat them on an oven. Once the chicken is fried, add the fruits and spray some squeezed lemon over it. ...
Jean Pierre: Voilà, we're done! They say that this dish has magical abilities and can awaken secret powers in you during your battles. Enjoy!

Prato 5: Banana Chocolate Shake

Jogador: Hello
Jean Pierre: Hello there again, player! I guess you're back for some cooking - let's get going then!
Jogador: Please teach me another recipe.
Jean Pierre: The next dish we are going to prepare together is called 'Banana Chocolate Shake'. After all those spicy dishes you should treat your guests with a sweet surprise. ...
Jean Pierre: Bring me the following ingredients and we'll make one hell of a drink: one bar of chocolate, one cream cake, two bananas, two vials of milk, one sling herb and one star herb.

Jogador: I got the stuff for banana chocolate shake.
Jean Pierre: Did you gather all necessary ingredients to make a Banana Chocolate Shake with me?
Jogador: yes
Jean Pierre: Great! Let's get it done! An easy one again, but you'll get right into holiday mood, like the Meriana beach dwellers I got that recipe from. ...
Jean Pierre: Melt the chocolate in a hot-water bath and add the grinded herbs - did you know, those herbs have a flavour like cinnamon and vanilla, yummy! Keep at gentle heat and add the milk. ...
Jean Pierre: Mash the banana and stir it really well into the chocolate-milk mixture. Gosh, do you smell that? Pure goodness! Now finally, we take just a bit of the creamcake and fold it in. ...
Jean Pierre: Voilà, we're done! To be honest, I don't know what this drink does, but at least it makes me really happy. Drink together with a loved one and enjoy!

Prato 6: Veggie Casserole

Jogador: Hello
Jean Pierre: Hello there again, player! I guess you're back for some cooking - let's get going then!
Jogador: Please teach me another recipe.
Jean Pierre: The next dish we are going to prepare together is called 'Veggie Casserole'. This one is going to be your masterpiece so far, I'm telling you. ...
Jean Pierre: It's also quite healthy! - Well, that's what I keep telling me when I eat the third serving, hehehe. Bring me the following ingredients and I'll show you how it's done. ...
Jean Pierre: Two carrots, two tomatoes, two corncobs, two cucumbers, one onion, one bulb of garlic, one piece of cheese, twenty white mushrooms and five brown mushrooms.

Jogador: I got the stuff for veggie casserole.
Jean Pierre: Did you gather all necessary ingredients to cook a Veggie Casserole with me?
Jogador: yes
Jean Pierre: So let's start! This is a dish especially famous in the area around Ab'Dendriel! Chop the onions into little cubes and sweat them in a pan until they are glassy. ...
Jean Pierre: Add garlic and mushrooms and fry gently until the mushrooms have shrunk up. Now, we add the peeled tomatoes and corn and have it all nicely cook together. ...
Jean Pierre: Put in carrot pieces and cucumber at the very end, so they will stay crisp! Finally put the cheese over it like a little blanket have it melt on the oven until it's slightly brownish. ...
Jean Pierre: And voilà, we're done! This dish will help you in your battles and supply you with enough power to hit really hard! Enjoy!

Prato 7: Filled Jalapeño Peppers

Jogador: Hello
Jean Pierre: Hello there again, player! I guess you're back for some cooking - let's get going then!
Jogador: Please teach me another recipe.
Jean Pierre: The next dish we are going to prepare together is called 'Filled Jalapeño Peppers'. It's a great snack and quite spicy, for those who like it hot. ...
Jean Pierre: Bring me the following ingredients and I'll show you how it's done: Ten jalapeño peppers, two pieces of cheese, one troll green, one shadow herb, one vial of mead and two eggs.

Jogador: I got the stuff for filled jalapeño peppers.
Jean Pierre: Did you gather all necessary ingredients to prepare Filled Jalapeño Peppers with me?
Jogador: yes
Jean Pierre: Okay! So after all of these heavy dishes, we're going to create a fast little snack. ...
Jean Pierre: First of all, remove the top of the jalapeño peppers and clean their inside, so that you have space for the filling. Now for the filling, we grate the cheese and mix it with the mead and the eggs, until it has a nice consistency. ...
Jean Pierre: We add the grinded herbs and blend it well. Push a spoonful in each jalapeño pepper until they are nicely stuffed. Now, we shortly fry the jalapeño peppers in a pan to heat them up. ...
Jean Pierre: The filling will melt nicely, just be careful that it doesn't drip out! And voilà, we're done! ...
Jean Pierre: This famous dish from Ankrahmun is quite hot and spicy, so only eat one at a time. It's also possible that you get the urge to run really fast afterwards. Enjoy!

Prato 8: Blessed Steak

Jogador: Hello
Jean Pierre: Hello there again, player! I guess you're back for some cooking - let's get going then!
Jogador: Please teach me another recipe.
Jean Pierre: The next dish we are going to prepare together is called 'Blessed Steak'. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist the pun with this one. ...
Jean Pierre: Don't worry, there's no temple trip awaiting you. Just bring me the following: one piece of ham, five plums, one onion, two beetroots, one pumpkin and two jalapeño peppers.

Jogador: I got the stuff for blessed steak.
Jean Pierre: Did you gather all necessary ingredients to prepare a Blessed Steak with me?
Jogador: yes
Jean Pierre: Here we go! This will break through the meat fibres, making our steak more tender for this fine Daramanian dish. ...
Jean Pierre: It's easy to prepare, just chop and sweat the onions and add small pieces of pumpkin, beetroot, plums and peppers. Put the steak into the pan too to let it absorb some of the sweet and fruity flavour. ...
Jean Pierre: Finally, remove the fruits and onions from the pan and fry the steak from both sides until it's crisp and crusty. Put on a plate and decorate with the fruit mix. ...
Jean Pierre: The people of Darashia say that it has magical abilities and will help you if you feel totally drained. Enjoy!

Prato 9: Northern Fishburger

Jogador: Hello
Jean Pierre: Hello there again, player! I guess you're back for some cooking - let's get going then!
Jogador: Please teach me another recipe.
Jean Pierre: The next dish we are going to prepare together is called 'Northern Fishburger'. I hope you like fish, not everyone does. This one is a specialty I picked up in Svargrond. ...
Jean Pierre: Bring me the following ingredients and I'll show you how it's done: one northern pike, one rainbow trout, one green perch, five shrimps, two rolls and one fern.

Jogador: I got the stuff for northern fishburger.
Jean Pierre: Did you gather all necessary ingredients to make a Northern Fishburger with me?
Jogador: yes
Jean Pierre: Great! After all this meat, we shouldn't neglect to prepare some fish. ...
Jean Pierre: This easy dish from Svargrond is what you'd call fast food, but its outstanding taste justifies to put it in my book about 'Hot Cuisine'. ...
Jean Pierre: Simply cut the rolls in half, shortly fry one slice of each fish type, put in the shrimps and spice up with grinded fern, which, by the way, tastes slightly like dill. ...
Jean Pierre: Nicely decorate it on a plate, and voila, we're done already! Can't tell you much about the effects, but fishermen in Svargrond seem to love it. Enjoy!

Prato 10: Carrot Cake

Jogador: Hello
Jean Pierre: Hello there again, player! I guess you're back for some cooking - let's get going then!
Jogador: Please teach me another recipe.
Jean Pierre: The last dish we are going to prepare together is called 'Carrot Cake'. Yes, it's a real cake, we need a tasty desert to complete our cooking course. ...
Jean Pierre: Bring me the following ingredients and I'll lead you through it: five carrots, one vial of milk, one lemon, ten ounces of flour, two eggs, ten cookies and two peanuts.

Jogador: I got the stuff for carrot cake.
Jean Pierre: Did you gather all necessary ingredients to bake a Carrot Cake with me?
Jogador: yes
Jean Pierre: So, now for our final dish - a grand dessert from the amazon girls at Carlin! ...
Jean Pierre: It's easy as it can be - mix a normal cake dough with milk, flour and eggs, then add some cookie crumbs for the crunchy effect later on. ...
Jean Pierre: Stir in the grated carrots and tiny peanut pieces and bake it for about thirty minutes! Now we'll make a great topping with sugar and lemon juice, pour it over the cake and decorate it. ...
Jean Pierre: And voilà, we're done! The girls of Carlin swear that it sharpens their eyesight, at least for a while. I'm sure it will somehow aid you in your battles. Enjoy! ...
Jean Pierre: Oh, which reminds me - my little apprentice, we are finished with our cooking course. I think you did great and if it was my decision, you could open your own tavern. ...
Jean Pierre: But anyway, it's up to you what you make of your newly discovered skills! In case you forget my recipes, please feel free to take a copy of the cookbook upstairs. ...
Jean Pierre: You can drop by and practice cooking those dishes, at least during the time that I'm at home. I promise that I will cook each dish once with you, but then I have to take care of my other apprentices. Cheers to you!

Prato 11: Coconut Shrimp Bake

Jean Pierre: Hello there again, jogador! I've finally recovered from this bad - achoo - cold, well almost! But it feels great to be able to smell and taste again. If you're here for some cooking, let's get started!
Jogador: recipes
Jean Pierre: I have a special treat for you this year! Thanks to gourmets all over the world sending me inspiring ideas, I was able to prepare a menu which we can cook together. ...
Jean Pierre: We can also recook my own recipes, unless you haven't done so already this year. Just ask me for a dish you'd like to cook and bring the ingredients you can find in the cookbook I gave you last time.

Jogador: menu
Jean Pierre: Yes, you heard that right! Even though I was laying sick on my divan for weeks, I have some new dishes for you. Ehem. Of course I couldn't have done it without my little helpers travelling around the world and discovering recipes. ...
Jean Pierre: So... ... each good menu needs an amazing starter to awaken and stimulate all the little taste buds on your tongue. We're going to cook a nice portion of Coconut Shrimp Bake! ...
Jean Pierre: This is an exotic rice dish with hints of mushrooms and shrimps, topped with sweet coconut goodness - brought to me by a beautiful druid lady a few days ago. My mouth starts watering already! ...
Jean Pierre: ... because of the dish, I mean, of course. Ehem. Bring me the following ingredients and we'll get started: Five vials of coconut milk, five brown mushrooms, five red mushrooms, ten rice balls and ten shrimps.

Jogador: coconut shrimp bake
Jean Pierre: Did you gather all necessary ingredients to prepare a Coconut Shrimp Bake with me?
Jogador: yes
Jean Pierre: Yum! Just the thought of it makes me drool. ...
Jean Pierre: I see you brought real Zaoan rice balls! That saves us a lot of time as we don't have to cook the rice anymore. Now we just flatten them out nice and medium thick on this baking tray. ...
Jean Pierre: In the meantime, our shrimps have absorbed some of the coconut milk and we can now add them on top of the rice. ...
Jean Pierre: Now we just need to add the mushrooms , pour the rest of the coconut milk over it and put it into the oven! ...
Jean Pierre: ... dum di dum ... ...
Jean Pierre: Aaaaaaand there you go! Sweet coconut goodness! And psst - the shrimps add some submarine flavour to this dish. You should definitely eat it while walking underwater and wearing a helmet of the deep. Just in case. Enjoy!

Prato 12: Blackjack

Jogador: menu
Jean Pierre: After this wonderful and tasty starter we're all set for a special dish I learnt from a brave adventurer who almost starved when he got lost in the mountains between Ankrahmun and Port Hope, or so he told me. ...
Jean Pierre: Luckily, he was saved by nomads - can you imagine? - and they fed him a special local dish that's very cheap and easy to prepare, yet rich in vitamins and spending energy for hours. ...
Jean Pierre: Now don't be shocked, but - they do put sandcrawlers in there. When I tried to prepare that dish at first, I was repelled by its awful appearance, but since it smelled so good I did take a sip and was pleasantly surprised of the great taste. ...
Jean Pierre: According to the adventurer, this meal works well with any kind of vegetables or any kind of edible creepy-crawlers, depending on what the nomads get their hands on, but we'll stick to the original for now! ...
Jean Pierre: Bring me the following ingredients - if you dare - and I'll show you the secret of Blackjack: Five sandcrawler shells, two vials of water, twenty carrots, ten potatoes and three jalapeño peppers.

Jogador: blackjack
Jean Pierre: Did you gather all necessary ingredients to cook a Blackjack with me?
Jogador: yes
Jean Pierre: Awesome! Let's go! Let's start with preparing the sandcrawlers ...
Jean Pierre: I understand your scepticism, but believe me, all will be well! As you can see, they change colour from dark to light red, and that's when they also start turning soft. ...
Jean Pierre: Now add whole potatoes and let everything cook at high temperature until the potatoes are so soft they're basically falling apart. ...
Jean Pierre: Yes yes, I know, don't give me that look! You'll be surprised! Now just add the chopped carrots and chili for a healthy portion of vitamins and spices, keep stiring and mashing and let it simmer for about an hour. ...
Jean Pierre: You're wondering why I chose a simple recipe like that for my famous menu? You'll know when you taste it! ...
Jean Pierre: Heeeeeere you are - just a few spoons of this great stew make you so full that the bowl I give you will last for a long time until it's finally depleted. Enjoy!

Prato 13: Demonic Candy Balls

Jogador: menu
Jean Pierre: Weren't you surprised by the great taste of our main dish? In case you still have some space left in your tummy, we're in for a sweet and fun dessert - but beware unwanted side effects! ...
Jean Pierre: It was introduced to me by a fearless knight who invented this recipe rather by accident when a bottle of demonic blood broke in his backpack and spilled its contents over his bag of candy balls. ...
Jean Pierre: Curiously, he tried one and red steam came out of his ears - but it tasted to great that he instantly popped another one in his mouth, and then another, and another. ...
Jean Pierre: Each one seemed to cause a different effect and he was never really sure what the next one would do. Seems safer to be careful with them and not to eat them in dangerous situations! ...
Jean Pierre: In any case, bring me the following ingredients and we'll make some Demonic Candy Balls, if you like: Three candies, three candy canes, two bars of chocolate, fifteen gingerbread men and one concentrated demonic blood.

Jogador: demonic candy balls
Jean Pierre: Did you gather all necessary ingredients to make Demonic Candy Balls with me?
Jogador: yes
Jean Pierre: Very nice! I'm ready for action! ...
Jean Pierre: After having crushed all those sweets, we need to melt the chocolate into a thick liquid... ...
Jean Pierre: ... and form little balls together with the sweets! ...
Jean Pierre: Now, carefully, we add the demonic blood... ...
Jean Pierre: Here you go, but beware possible side effects! You never know for sure what will happen and so far all of those I tried had awesome effects, so of course I don't hope for nasty surprises! Enjoy!

Prato 14: Sweet Mangonaise Elixir

Jogador: menu
Jean Pierre: Did you dare eat all of your Demonic Candy Balls...? Hehehe! Well, I almost forgot one of the most essential parts for a perfect dinner. A drink! I have one for you, almost a designer drink you could say. ...
Jean Pierre: Its inventor seems to have done some scientific research in order to achieve his desired effect, which is - charging magical rings. You have to drink it while you're wearing one for a miraculous effect! ...
Jean Pierre: Bring me the following ingredients and we'll get started: Fourty eggs, twenty mangos, ten honeycombs, one bottle of bug milk and one blessed wooden stake. ...
Jean Pierre: Oh yes, I understand your worries about the eggs, but just make sure they're fresh and all should be fine for our Sweet Mangonaise Elixir!
Jogador: sweet mangonaise elixir
Jean Pierre: Did you gather all necessary ingredients to mix Sweet Mangonaise Elixir with me?
Jogador: yes
Jean Pierre: Time to have a sweet drink! Let's pour the bug milk into my cauldron and heat it over fire until it's boiling... there! ...
Jean Pierre: Now we're breaking all of the eggs into there - 1, 2, 10, 20, 40 crumble the honeycombs and toss the sliced mangoes into the hot mix. ...
Jean Pierre: Now we just have to let it simmer and stir using a blessed wooden stake for thirty minutes. ...
Jean Pierre: By now, the power of the blessed wooden stake will have been transferred into our elixir, so let's put out the fire and let it cool down. ...
Jean Pierre: There! Its inventor said it had amazing effects on the ring you're wearing, as long as the ring is based on time, not on charges. Enjoy! ...
Jean Pierre: And by the way... since those were all the recipes from this year and you cooked them so nicely, you may take the cookbook containing them from upstairs, if you like!